CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

What is CRM and how could it help me?

Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is a term that describes software that helps you manage interactions with your customers and prospects. Back when a rolodex of cards was enough to manage customer relationships, we didn’t have technology such as email, web conferencing and e-marketing to contend with. Nowadays, the internet has introduced entirely new way to interact with customers – but with them come new challenges.


So how does CRM help?

  • Accuracy - Ensuring every interaction and transaction is logged and monitored is the first step in a successful and fruitful customer relationship. It not only helps you understand more about your customers’ buying habits and their likes and dislikes, but it means that every time you speak to them you can pick up where you left off.
  • Service - Think of your own personal benchmark of customer service. Is it the call centre that has your complete history at its fingertips, or the local shopkeeper who knows your first name and favourite brands? CRM software can help you do both – ensuring that you’re interacting with every customer on the appropriate level, no matter how quickly your business grows.
  • Marketing - Personalised marketing is the most effective – when you can speak to a single person and offer something they need at the appropriate time. CRM can help you plan marketing activity, then segment it by customer profile, immediate need or sales history.
  • Sales - It’s easier to sell more products to existing customers than it is to win new ones. So a better understanding of your customers can create a huge opportunity to sell more and help them make the right decisions about your products and services. No matter what market you’re in, the ability to recommend products or services, and even predict when a customer may need them, is a vital sales tool.



We offer a complete package solution with the ability to integrate with your website including :

Installation, Customisation, Hosting, Training, Support


Products offered

Salesforce, Sugar CRM, & CiviCRM.

To find out more about which CRM will work best for your organisation please contact us